Apprendre la forme interrogative et la forme affirmative/négative en anglais
Super Bis est un jeu de cartes efficace et amusant basé sur l’appariement de questions et réponses.
Le jeu comprend 132 cartes divisées en questions (cartes rouges) et réponses (cartes bleues). Chaque carte présente une situation amusante et illustrée et une phrase (question ou réponse).
Super Bis is an effective and fun card game, based on matching questions and answers.
The game allows students to learn and practise English grammar and sentences in a fun and engaging way via questions and answers relating to everyday situations.
The game includes 132 cards divided into questions (red cards) and answers (blue cards). Each card presents a fun, illustrated situation and a sentence (question or answer).
The clear and detailed pictures on the cards allow the game to be played using the full potential of each card. For example, students can describe all of the details shown in the picture or they can answer the written question or say which question the answer written on the cards refers to. This version of game play makes it possible to use Super Bis also during online classes and courses.